Model training on SBM

Example of training SPIVAE to extract the relevant physical parameters of scaled Brownian motion.

In this tutorial, we aim at training SPIVAE with the dataset of scaled Brownian motion (SBM) to extract the aging diffusion coefficient \(D(t)\), and the anomalous exponent \(\alpha\).


To train the models, we use the fastai library that provides easy to use methods. First, we gather everything needed to train (the data, the model, the loss, the optimizer, etc.) into a Learner object. We will use the Learner to hold all the parameters and handle the training procedure.

We start selecting the parameters of the device to train on, the dataset, and the model.

DEVICE= 'cpu'  # 'cuda'

To construct the dataset of SBM, we vary \(D_0\) logarithmically inside the range \(10^{-5}\) and \(10^{-2}\) such that the displacements are not much bigger than one. At the same time, we choose \(\alpha\in[0.2, 1.8]\). We take the same amount of trajectories for each combination of parameters, about 100 thousand trajectories in total. We split them in training and validation sets, and select a batch size (bs).

Ds = np.geomspace(1e-5,1e-2, 10) 
alphas = np.linspace(0.2,1.8,21)
n_alphas, n_Ds = len(alphas), len(Ds)
ds_args = dict(path="../../data/raw/", model='sbm',
               N=int(100_000/n_alphas/n_Ds), T=400,
               D=Ds, alpha=alphas,
               N_save=1_000, T_save=400,
               seed=0, valid_pct=0.2, bs=2**8,)

We generate training data as explained in the data docs. You can skip this step if you already generated data using the data generation notebook.

fname = ds_args["path"] + 'sbm.npz'
disp_gen = {f'{a:.3g}'+f',{D:.3g}':[] for D in ds_args["D"] for a in ds_args["alpha"]}
if not os.path.exists(fname):  # create
    for i,a in enumerate(ds_args["alpha"]):
        for j,D in enumerate(ds_args["D"]):
            k = f'{a:.3g}'+f',{D:.3g}'
            disp_gen[k]=np.array([np.concatenate(([a,D],sbm(ds_args["T_save"], a, sigma = D2sig(D)))) 
                                  for n in range(ds_args["N_save"])]) # N, T+2
    print('Saved at:', fname)
else:    print(f"{fname} already exists. Load it with load_data().")

We create the data loaders dls for training and validation with the parameters we selected above.

dls = load_data(ds_args).to(DEVICE)
dls[1].drop_last = True # for validation to throw the last incomplete batch or not
dls[0].drop_last, dls[1].drop_last, dls[1].bs, dls.device
(True, True, 256, 'cpu')

We set a small model to train rapidly, but large enough to provide adequate expressiveness. We fix 6 latent neurons, as a priori, we do not know how many neurons will encode the trajectory parameters.

model_args = dict(# VAE #################
                  nc_in=1,  # 1D
                  nc_out=6, # = z_dim
                  z_dim=6,  # latent dimension
                  # WaveNet ############
                  c_channels=6, # = nc_out
                  layer_size=4,  # 6  # Largest dilation is 2**layer_size
                  out_distribution= "Normal",
                  model_name = 'SPIVAE',

We initialize a model and define its loss function as defined in Utils. The initial loss for this dataset is around 1.5, bigger than that the initialization provides an unstable model that may not train properly.

model = VAEWaveNet(**model_args).to(DEVICE)
print('RF:', model.receptive_field, 'bs:',
x,y=b = dls.one_batch(); t = model(x)
loss_fn = Loss(model.receptive_field, model.c_channels, 
                    beta=model_args['beta'], reduction='mean')
l = loss_fn(t,y).item(); 
print('Initial loss: ',l)
assert l<1.5, 'Initial loss should be around 1.5 or less'
RF: 32 bs: 256
Initial loss:  1.0185976028442383

We now set a few callback functions to show relevant information during training. The first two update a plot of the total loss for training and validation, and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (\(D_{KL}\)) of the latent neurons, respectively. The other two record the reconstruction loss and the \(D_{KL}\) of each latent neuron.

callbacks = [ShowLossCallback(), ShowKLDsCallback(),

We add two metrics to follow the reconstruction loss and the divergence term during training.

metrics = [GaussianMixtureMetric(model.receptive_field, model.c_channels,reduction='mean'),

With all the ingredients, we create the Learner with the default optimizer, Adam.

learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_fn, opt_func=Adam, cbs=callbacks, metrics=metrics,)
if torch.cuda.is_available() and DEVICE=='cuda': learn.model.cuda()

The learner can show us a summary including the model sizes and number of parameters.

VAEWaveNet (Input shape: 256 x 1 x 399)
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
                     256 x 16 x 397      
Conv1d                                    64         True      
                     256 x 16 x 395      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 393      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 391      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 16       
                     256 x 512           
                     256 x 200           
Linear                                    102600     True      
                     256 x 100           
Linear                                    20100      True      
                     256 x 12            
Linear                                    1212       True      
                     256 x 100           
Linear                                    700        True      
                     256 x 200           
Linear                                    20200      True      
                     256 x 512           
Linear                                    102912     True      
                     256 x 16 x 32       
                     256 x 16 x 393      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 395      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 397      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 6 x 399       
ConvTranspose1d                           294        True      
                     256 x 16 x 399      
Conv1d                                    32         True      
                     256 x 16 x 397      
Conv1d                                    528        True      
                     256 x 32 x 395      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 391      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 383      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 367      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 3 x 367       
Conv1d                                    51         True      

Total params: 262,885
Total trainable params: 262,885
Total non-trainable params: 0

Optimizer used: <function Adam>
Loss function: <SPIVAE.utils.Loss object>

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - CastToTensor
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback
  - ShowLossCallback
  - ShowKLDsCallback
  - GMsCallback
  - KLDsCallback

Finally, we need a learning rate. Conveniently, fastai includes a learning rate finder. This finder can suggest some points, each based on a criterion that guides us. Hence, we try with one order above and below the default criterion, the valley.


The valley is around \(5\cdot10^{-4}\), thus we will start trying a learning rate of \(10^{-3}\) to see if we can learn fast.

During the search, not only the loss was logged but also the \(D_{KL}\) which we can see here:

plt.semilogy(np.stack(learn.kl_ds.preds)); learn.kl_ds.preds=[]

During the training, we will keep an eye on both the total loss and the \(D_{KL}\).

Training with \(\beta\)=0

We start training with \(\beta=0\) to have no additional constraint in the latent neurons and allow the VAE to use the full capacity of its bottleneck.


To ease the training, we update the model’s parameters following the learning rate schedule developed by Leslie N. Smith et al. (2017), the 1cycle policy, and already implemented in fastai. We choose as the maximum learning rate the one derived from the finder above.

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.157843 -2.199759 -2.199759 966.304993 01:12

With the 1cycle policy we got a good first model, thus we save it and train for a few epochs more.

E=1; model_name = 'sbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/sbm_E1.tar
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.263310 -2.267519 -2.267519 1442.309204 01:09
1 -2.092829 -2.072918 -2.072918 2818.877197 01:15
2 -1.981965 -2.144248 -2.144248 5740.245605 01:09
3 -1.960727 -2.105671 -2.105671 8740.739258 01:10
4 -1.668681 -1.482724 -1.482724 27266.724609 01:10
5 -2.079590 -2.127594 -2.127594 14647.367188 01:10
6 -2.141758 -2.256035 -2.256035 14994.700195 01:11
7 -2.188065 -2.214240 -2.214240 17237.187500 01:10
8 -2.242931 -2.223907 -2.223907 17943.906250 01:10
9 -2.258962 -2.299075 -2.299075 19063.156250 01:14
10 -2.303101 -2.313661 -2.313661 18943.972656 01:11
11 -2.321828 -2.326061 -2.326061 17432.900391 01:10
12 -2.323314 -2.324073 -2.324073 16692.931641 01:12
13 -2.325410 -2.326961 -2.326961 15656.347656 01:12
14 -2.336070 -2.330342 -2.330342 15198.240234 01:11
15 -2.342307 -2.330926 -2.330926 15115.720703 01:10

After training, we see a validation loss around -2.33 and two neurons that contribute the most to the \(D_{KL}\). We take a checkpoint of the model at this moment.

E=1+16; model_name = 'sbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/sbm_E17.tar

Annealing \(\beta\)

Now, we increase \(\beta\) to impose a Gaussian prior into the latent neurons distribution which effectively forces the encoding of the already present information to use the minimal number of neurons while noising out the rest of neurons.

model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
c_point, model = load_checkpoint("./models/"+model_name,device=DEVICE)
Loading checkpoint: ./models/fbm_E64.tar
on device: cpu
learn.loss_func.beta=1e-4; model_args.update(dict(beta=1e-4))
learn.fit_one_cycle(8, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.265089 -2.256390 -2.269281 128.906479 01:10
1 -2.072519 -2.171102 -2.193184 220.815460 01:11
2 -2.078890 -2.010547 -2.027710 171.636841 01:11
3 -2.150817 -2.082684 -2.094985 123.012283 01:11
4 -2.276386 -2.275580 -2.283196 76.156914 01:13
5 -2.333585 -2.269568 -2.275890 63.225800 01:11
6 -2.331838 -2.324122 -2.329123 50.004139 01:10
7 -2.350273 -2.325296 -2.330021 47.249344 01:10

We save the model after each cycle, just in case all the neurons collapse due to a big \(\beta\).

E=1+16+8; model_name = 'sbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/sbm_E25.tar

Then, we increase the \(\beta\) and train again.

learn.loss_func.beta=1e-3; model_args.update(dict(beta=1e-3))
learn.fit_one_cycle(8, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.281132 -2.259779 -2.279295 19.515345 01:10
1 -1.824657 -2.179360 -2.205580 26.219692 01:11
2 -2.211249 -2.233248 -2.253192 19.943052 01:11
3 -2.257035 -2.247903 -2.264651 16.747833 01:11
4 -2.289768 -2.278646 -2.294806 16.160137 01:11
5 -2.303732 -2.287849 -2.302872 15.023915 01:11
6 -2.342452 -2.313574 -2.328554 14.978462 01:11
7 -2.326436 -2.314047 -2.329060 15.013249 01:11

We see the \(D_{KL}\) of two neurons already dropped two orders of magnitude. We increase \(\beta\) and train more.

E=1+16+8*2; model_name = 'sbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/sbm_E33.tar
learn.loss_func.beta=5e-3; model_args.update(dict(beta=5e-3))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.251511 -2.252467 -2.306516 10.809682 01:10
1 -2.252817 -2.245228 -2.293772 9.708881 01:11
2 -2.239562 -2.216622 -2.256845 8.044684 01:12
3 -2.191882 -1.953922 -1.985323 6.280288 01:11
4 -2.178543 -2.131708 -2.163971 6.452771 01:11
5 -2.213535 -2.258947 -2.288923 5.995219 01:11
6 -2.250787 -2.235217 -2.263428 5.642315 01:12
7 -2.231592 -2.203765 -2.230007 5.248451 01:11
8 -2.299702 -2.284002 -2.309700 5.139698 01:11
9 -2.285194 -2.205304 -2.230760 5.091110 01:13
10 -2.293305 -2.262668 -2.287017 4.869694 01:12
11 -2.304803 -2.297028 -2.321219 4.838166 01:11
12 -2.306652 -2.300437 -2.324596 4.831745 01:11
13 -2.299996 -2.302048 -2.326326 4.855473 01:11
14 -2.308707 -2.302276 -2.326377 4.820252 01:12
15 -2.311806 -2.302298 -2.326384 4.817187 01:12

E=1+16+8*2+16; model_name = 'sbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E49.tar

After training, we see a good reconstruction loss around -2.32, while the \(D_{KL}\) is on the order of one for two neurons and the rest are two orders of magnitude below. We say that two neurons survive while the rest are noised out. We will see in the analysis tutorial how these two neurons encode the minimal relevant information to generate the trajectories.

Bigger \(\beta\)

If we train with a bigger \(\beta\), eventually one neuron drops, affecting the reconstruction loss that is then worse.

learn.loss_func.beta=1e-2; model_args.update(dict(beta=1e-2))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.292675 -2.278427 -2.320651 4.222384 01:09
1 -2.265743 -2.279128 -2.320320 4.119149 01:10
2 -2.218647 -2.246289 -2.288341 4.205155 01:13
3 -2.209015 -2.225596 -2.265452 3.985472 01:12
4 -2.248430 -2.196464 -2.238191 4.172781 01:12
5 -2.223559 -2.201737 -2.243423 4.168562 01:12
6 -2.249357 -2.239655 -2.279761 4.010539 01:14
7 -2.224961 -2.210147 -2.251729 4.158061 01:13
8 -2.267192 -2.271090 -2.312112 4.102235 01:14
9 -2.283242 -2.274777 -2.314433 3.965613 01:13
10 -2.279653 -2.275052 -2.314808 3.975609 01:13
11 -2.274931 -2.281827 -2.321421 3.959441 01:12
12 -2.280176 -2.282479 -2.321944 3.946445 01:12
13 -2.283632 -2.282778 -2.322360 3.958159 01:12
14 -2.301415 -2.283230 -2.322545 3.931563 01:11
15 -2.300677 -2.283238 -2.322650 3.941171 01:12

learn.loss_func.beta=4e-2; model_args.update(dict(beta=4e-2))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.204268 -2.183239 -2.304005 3.019161 01:11
1 -2.194592 -2.175812 -2.292791 2.924464 01:12
2 -2.145626 -2.180877 -2.293877 2.824981 01:12
3 -2.079138 -2.172214 -2.287631 2.885419 01:11
4 -2.127781 -2.103078 -2.214047 2.774220 01:12
5 -2.113369 -2.036130 -2.148762 2.815787 01:11
6 -2.166729 -2.182533 -2.285766 2.580839 01:12
7 -2.168032 -2.187016 -2.293549 2.663330 01:12
8 -2.175102 -2.190198 -2.295090 2.622296 01:14
9 -2.210599 -2.195347 -2.298699 2.583786 01:11
10 -2.217565 -2.165514 -2.270107 2.614821 01:11
11 -2.200825 -2.198460 -2.301876 2.585433 01:11
12 -2.199532 -2.199680 -2.303985 2.607617 01:12
13 -2.214851 -2.200226 -2.303653 2.585687 01:11
14 -2.215913 -2.200113 -2.304406 2.607338 01:11
15 -2.224487 -2.200450 -2.304470 2.600497 01:11