Model training on FBM

Example of training SPIVAE to extract the relevant physical parameters of fractional Brownian motion.

In this tutorial, we aim at training SPIVAE with the dataset of fractional Brownian motion (FBM) to extract the generalized diffusion coefficient \(D\), and the anomalous exponent \(\alpha\).


To train the models, we use the fastai library that provides easy to use methods. First, we gather everything needed to train (the data, the model, the loss, the optimizer, etc.) into a Learner object. We will use the Learner to hold all the parameters and handle the training procedure.

We start selecting the parameters of the device to train on, the dataset, and the model.

DEVICE= 'cpu'  # 'cuda'

To construct the dataset of FBM, we vary \(D\) logarithmically inside the range \(10^{-5}\) and \(10^{-2}\) such that the displacements are smaller than one. At the same time, we choose \(\alpha\in[0.2, 1.8]\). We take the same amount of trajectories for each combination of parameters, about 100 thousand trajectories in total. We split them in training and validation sets, and select a batch size bs.

Ds = np.geomspace(1e-5,1e-2, 10) 
alphas = np.linspace(0.2,1.8,21)
n_alphas, n_Ds = len(alphas), len(Ds)
ds_args = dict(path="../../data/raw/", model='fbm', # 'sbm'
               N=int(100_000/n_alphas/n_Ds), T=400,
               D=Ds, alpha=alphas,
               N_save=6_000, T_save=400,
               seed=0, valid_pct=0.2, bs=2**8,)

We generate training data as explained in the data docs. You can skip this step if you already generated data using the data generation notebook.

dataset = AD.create_dataset(T=ds_args["T"], N_models=ds_args["N"],
                            dimension=1, models=[2],  # fbm
                            t_save=ds_args["T_save"], N_save=ds_args["N_save"],
                            save_trajectories=True, path="../../data/raw/")

We create the data loaders dls for training and validation with the parameters we selected above.

dls = load_data(ds_args).to(DEVICE)
dls[1].drop_last = True # for validation to throw the last incomplete batch or not
dls[0].drop_last, dls[1].drop_last, dls[1].bs, dls.device
(True, True, 256, 'cpu')

We set a small model to train rapidly, but large enough to provide adequate expressiveness. We fix 6 latent neurons, as a priori, we do not know how many neurons will encode the trajectory parameters.

model_args = dict(# VAE #################
                  nc_in=1,  # 1D
                  nc_out=6, # = z_dim
                  z_dim=6,  # latent dimension
                  # WaveNet ############
                  c_channels=6, # = nc_out
                  layer_size=4,  # 6  # Largest dilation is 2**layer_size
                  out_distribution= "Normal",
                  model_name = 'SPIVAE',

We initialize a model and define its loss function as defined in Utils. The initial loss for this dataset is around 1.5, bigger than that the initialization provides an unstable model that may not train properly.

model = VAEWaveNet(**model_args).to(DEVICE)
print('RF:', model.receptive_field, 'bs:',
x,y=b = dls.one_batch(); t = model(x)
loss_fn = Loss(model.receptive_field, model.c_channels, 
                    beta=model_args['beta'], reduction='mean')
l = loss_fn(t,y).item(); 
print('Initial loss: ',l)
assert l<1.5, 'Initial loss should be around 1.5 or less'
RF: 32 bs: 256
Initial loss:  0.9262354373931885

We now set a few callback functions to show relevant information during training. The first two update a plot of the total loss for training and validation, and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (\(D_{KL}\)) of the latent neurons, respectively. The other two record the reconstruction loss and the \(D_{KL}\) of each latent neuron.

callbacks = [ShowLossCallback(), ShowKLDsCallback(),

We add two metrics to follow the reconstruction loss and the divergence term during training.

metrics = [GaussianMixtureMetric(model.receptive_field, model.c_channels,reduction='mean'),

With all the ingredients, we create the Learner with the default optimizer, Adam.

learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_fn, opt_func=Adam, cbs=callbacks, metrics=metrics,)
if torch.cuda.is_available() and DEVICE=='cuda': learn.model.cuda()

The learner can show us a summary including the model sizes and number of parameters.

VAEWaveNet (Input shape: 256 x 1 x 399)
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
                     256 x 16 x 397      
Conv1d                                    64         True      
                     256 x 16 x 395      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 393      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 391      
Conv1d                                    784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 16       
                     256 x 512           
                     256 x 200           
Linear                                    102600     True      
                     256 x 100           
Linear                                    20100      True      
                     256 x 12            
Linear                                    1212       True      
                     256 x 100           
Linear                                    700        True      
                     256 x 200           
Linear                                    20200      True      
                     256 x 512           
Linear                                    102912     True      
                     256 x 16 x 32       
                     256 x 16 x 393      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 395      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 16 x 397      
ConvTranspose1d                           784        True      
                     256 x 6 x 399       
ConvTranspose1d                           294        True      
                     256 x 16 x 399      
Conv1d                                    32         True      
                     256 x 16 x 397      
Conv1d                                    528        True      
                     256 x 32 x 395      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 391      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 383      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 32 x 367      
Conv1d                                    1568       True      
                     256 x 32 x 399      
Conv1d                                    192        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
Conv1d                                    272        True      
                     256 x 3 x 367       
Conv1d                                    51         True      

Total params: 262,885
Total trainable params: 262,885
Total non-trainable params: 0

Optimizer used: <function Adam>
Loss function: <SPIVAE.utils.Loss object>

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - CastToTensor
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback
  - ShowLossCallback
  - GMsCallback
  - ShowKLDsCallback
  - KLDsCallback

Finally, we need a learning rate. Conveniently, fastai includes a learning rate finder. This finder can suggest some points, each based on a criterion that guides us. Hence, we try with one order above and below the default criterion, the valley.


The valley is around \(10^{-4}\), thus we will start trying a learning rate of \(10^{-3}\) to see if we can learn fast.

During the search, not only the loss was logged but also the \(D_{KL}\) which we can see here:

plt.semilogy(np.stack(learn.kl_ds.preds)); learn.kl_ds.preds=[]

During the training, we will keep an eye on both the total loss and the \(D_{KL}\).

Training with \(\beta\)=0

We start training with \(\beta=0\) to have no additional constraint in the latent neurons and allow the VAE to use the full capacity of its bottleneck.


To ease the training, we update the model’s parameters following the learning rate schedule developed by Leslie N. Smith et al. (2017) and already implemented in fastai. We choose as the maximum learning rate the one derived from the finder above.

learn.fit_one_cycle(64, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -1.315952 -1.661407 -1.661407 19.406342 01:09
1 -2.112537 -2.151353 -2.151353 64.277298 01:10
2 -2.239122 -2.249071 -2.249071 86.196838 01:11
3 -2.244182 -2.256283 -2.256283 78.044266 01:10
4 -2.238847 -2.265728 -2.265728 79.355087 01:10
5 -2.185477 -2.220979 -2.220979 73.193192 01:11
6 -2.157342 -2.245884 -2.245884 68.523232 01:11
7 -2.011828 -2.076498 -2.076498 48.271271 01:10
8 -2.026002 -2.205460 -2.205460 14.866062 01:10
9 -2.146519 -2.218804 -2.218804 27.197741 01:12
10 -2.164488 -2.268744 -2.268744 53.392033 01:11
11 -2.094013 -2.184355 -2.184355 72.369965 01:10
12 -2.228285 -2.122396 -2.122396 162.265594 01:10
13 -2.266493 -2.289713 -2.289713 189.916687 01:10
14 -2.229059 -1.878625 -1.878625 314.366608 01:11
15 -2.244426 -2.255815 -2.255815 336.166351 01:10
16 -2.272467 -2.274356 -2.274356 377.487793 01:11
17 -2.277053 -2.275987 -2.275987 417.207703 01:10
18 -2.269186 -2.246015 -2.246015 479.375000 01:11
19 -2.293643 -2.303562 -2.303562 493.494781 01:10
20 -2.299952 -2.314991 -2.314991 547.708008 01:10
21 -2.322182 -2.281061 -2.281061 568.945740 01:10
22 -2.310960 -2.320824 -2.320824 608.434265 01:10
23 -2.315642 -2.324992 -2.324992 607.956360 01:11
24 -2.332518 -2.312339 -2.312339 635.526489 01:11
25 -2.317588 -2.331322 -2.331322 659.979919 01:10
26 -2.326688 -2.328422 -2.328422 651.702820 01:11
27 -2.339881 -2.334195 -2.334195 681.555664 01:11
28 -2.329673 -2.333597 -2.333597 717.498901 01:10
29 -2.340475 -2.333066 -2.333066 720.397827 01:10
30 -2.338010 -2.337913 -2.337913 755.900269 01:11
31 -2.332206 -2.332510 -2.332510 756.721130 01:12
32 -2.351339 -2.338526 -2.338526 782.172852 01:11
33 -2.340485 -2.338783 -2.338783 805.748047 01:11
34 -2.340624 -2.342476 -2.342476 810.832153 01:13
35 -2.343892 -2.342334 -2.342334 830.463257 01:11
36 -2.348852 -2.345546 -2.345546 821.223083 01:11
37 -2.355019 -2.345020 -2.345020 839.597351 01:11
38 -2.345042 -2.346593 -2.346593 839.534668 01:11
39 -2.355663 -2.346778 -2.346778 839.826233 01:12
40 -2.342772 -2.347796 -2.347796 840.443481 01:11
41 -2.358884 -2.348896 -2.348896 830.699219 01:11
42 -2.349423 -2.349129 -2.349129 840.666992 01:11
43 -2.348464 -2.346027 -2.346027 832.678467 01:12
44 -2.352715 -2.349886 -2.349886 834.427307 01:11
45 -2.344991 -2.349920 -2.349920 826.926025 01:11
46 -2.341416 -2.350274 -2.350274 831.225464 01:11
47 -2.350832 -2.350190 -2.350190 828.069336 01:12
48 -2.345083 -2.350618 -2.350618 826.633118 01:12
49 -2.360827 -2.350861 -2.350861 821.838623 01:11
50 -2.352463 -2.350962 -2.350962 830.453674 01:12
51 -2.347570 -2.351095 -2.351095 823.741089 01:12
52 -2.360364 -2.351196 -2.351196 821.325806 01:12
53 -2.343230 -2.351074 -2.351074 823.521729 01:11
54 -2.355769 -2.351494 -2.351494 821.793335 01:12
55 -2.358197 -2.351494 -2.351494 817.322815 01:12
56 -2.359900 -2.351530 -2.351530 815.922485 01:12
57 -2.349110 -2.351698 -2.351698 814.793518 01:11
58 -2.355841 -2.351716 -2.351716 815.463562 01:11
59 -2.358056 -2.351770 -2.351770 813.260559 01:15
60 -2.354583 -2.351813 -2.351813 811.844543 01:12
61 -2.344743 -2.351826 -2.351826 812.462219 01:13
62 -2.350585 -2.351825 -2.351825 812.875671 01:12
63 -2.355194 -2.351831 -2.351831 812.403564 01:12

After training, we see a validation loss around -2.35 and two neurons that contribute the most to the \(D_{KL}\). We take a checkpoint of the model at this moment.

E=64; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E64.tar

Annealing \(\beta\)

Now, we increase \(\beta\) to impose a Gaussian prior into the latent neurons distribution which effectively forces the encoding of the already present information to use the minimal number of neurons while noising out the rest of neurons.

model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
c_point, model = load_checkpoint("./models/"+model_name,device=DEVICE)
Loading checkpoint: ./models/fbm_E64.tar
on device: cpu
learn.loss_func.beta=1e-4; model_args.update(dict(beta=1e-4))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.324830 -2.338405 -2.349152 107.466675 01:09
1 -2.338842 -2.340303 -2.345047 47.436031 01:10
2 -2.339993 -2.337490 -2.341151 36.604542 01:10
3 -2.337698 -2.346305 -2.349505 32.004436 01:10
4 -2.342737 -2.319283 -2.322044 27.611586 01:10
5 -2.343880 -2.324024 -2.326623 25.985027 01:10
6 -2.344337 -2.348159 -2.350667 25.081089 01:10
7 -2.343842 -2.349709 -2.352086 23.770494 01:11
8 -2.345186 -2.352701 -2.355143 24.418821 01:10
9 -2.355095 -2.356360 -2.358828 24.684273 01:09
10 -2.358190 -2.361038 -2.363501 24.632402 01:11
11 -2.362531 -2.362979 -2.365445 24.661421 01:11
12 -2.357859 -2.363399 -2.365850 24.508953 01:10
13 -2.358759 -2.363714 -2.366147 24.336988 01:10
14 -2.360825 -2.363775 -2.366217 24.420610 01:10
15 -2.355404 -2.363865 -2.366307 24.411386 01:10

We save the model after each cycle, just in case all the neurons collapse due to a big \(\beta\).

E=64+16; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E80.tar

Then, we increase the \(\beta\) and train again.

learn.loss_func.beta=6e-4; model_args.update(dict(beta=6e-4))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.353231 -2.353524 -2.364641 18.528250 01:09
1 -2.348532 -2.352497 -2.362990 17.487579 01:10
2 -2.342875 -2.334392 -2.344330 16.562178 01:11
3 -2.346903 -2.336486 -2.345794 15.511265 01:10
4 -2.330870 -2.346205 -2.356031 16.375021 01:10
5 -2.349575 -2.353170 -2.362580 15.683105 01:10
6 -2.347398 -2.351249 -2.360387 15.228333 01:11
7 -2.345601 -2.350861 -2.359752 14.819258 01:10
8 -2.352276 -2.356376 -2.364991 14.358064 01:10
9 -2.356200 -2.355854 -2.364318 14.105173 01:10
10 -2.350616 -2.355227 -2.363599 13.954180 01:12
11 -2.355976 -2.357581 -2.365860 13.798420 01:10
12 -2.354166 -2.357984 -2.366087 13.504392 01:10
13 -2.359440 -2.358157 -2.366241 13.472176 01:10
14 -2.343340 -2.358246 -2.366287 13.400112 01:10
15 -2.365923 -2.358313 -2.366364 13.418869 01:10

E=64+16*2; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E96.tar

We keep training to noise out the collapsed neurons while maintaining good reconstruction loss mix_gaussian_loss.

learn.loss_func.beta=1e-3; model_args.update(dict(beta=1e-3))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.348945 -2.353240 -2.364978 11.738488 01:10
1 -2.358876 -2.342992 -2.353953 10.961354 01:10
2 -2.350276 -2.350280 -2.360747 10.466887 01:11
3 -2.341486 -2.282615 -2.292582 9.966481 01:11
4 -2.342745 -2.343670 -2.353052 9.381420 01:10
5 -2.345502 -2.333569 -2.343357 9.788860 01:10
6 -2.361416 -2.354589 -2.363912 9.322714 01:10
7 -2.350763 -2.352047 -2.361214 9.165956 01:11
8 -2.354032 -2.354136 -2.363111 8.974744 01:10
9 -2.351079 -2.355446 -2.364451 9.005571 01:10
10 -2.348526 -2.355358 -2.364368 9.010308 01:10
11 -2.349510 -2.355702 -2.364724 9.022109 01:10
12 -2.359064 -2.356081 -2.365134 9.052643 01:10
13 -2.358692 -2.356183 -2.365181 8.999000 01:10
14 -2.357382 -2.356289 -2.365324 9.035031 01:10
15 -2.347834 -2.356310 -2.365310 9.001582 01:11

E=64+16*3; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E112.tar
learn.loss_func.beta=2e-3; model_args.update(dict(beta=2e-3))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.350208 -2.348301 -2.362810 7.254685 01:10
1 -2.337677 -2.346455 -2.359850 6.697080 01:11
2 -2.345940 -2.336791 -2.349714 6.461686 01:11
3 -2.339710 -2.338348 -2.351251 6.451570 01:10
4 -2.344926 -2.340880 -2.353410 6.265362 01:11
5 -2.349301 -2.347707 -2.359997 6.144722 01:11
6 -2.336591 -2.344263 -2.356583 6.159823 01:10
7 -2.345398 -2.346607 -2.358751 6.072074 01:10
8 -2.342644 -2.346272 -2.358593 6.160376 01:10
9 -2.345847 -2.348051 -2.360079 6.013485 01:11
10 -2.351193 -2.349379 -2.361663 6.141795 01:10
11 -2.350389 -2.349450 -2.361586 6.067914 01:10
12 -2.351185 -2.349608 -2.361853 6.122767 01:10
13 -2.344490 -2.349607 -2.361763 6.078405 01:10
14 -2.347708 -2.349838 -2.362053 6.107482 01:11
15 -2.342868 -2.349836 -2.362056 6.109914 01:10

E=64+16*4; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E128.tar
learn.loss_func.beta=4e-3; model_args.update(dict(beta=4e-3))
learn.fit_one_cycle(16, lr_max=1e-3,)
epoch train_loss valid_loss mix_gaussian_loss kld time
0 -2.344279 -2.338168 -2.358795 5.156413 01:10
1 -2.345974 -2.335615 -2.355980 5.091214 01:14
2 -2.328641 -2.337625 -2.357382 4.939382 01:11
3 -2.320290 -2.328844 -2.348158 4.828393 01:11
4 -2.326955 -2.337008 -2.356167 4.790024 01:11
5 -2.326622 -2.334390 -2.353814 4.856228 01:10
6 -2.328627 -2.337150 -2.356401 4.812714 01:11
7 -2.324614 -2.339001 -2.358472 4.867772 01:11
8 -2.321634 -2.339200 -2.358446 4.811536 01:10
9 -2.346042 -2.339435 -2.358616 4.795233 01:10
10 -2.342316 -2.339132 -2.358153 4.755326 01:11
11 -2.333755 -2.339544 -2.358423 4.719747 01:10
12 -2.331389 -2.339730 -2.358924 4.798558 01:10
13 -2.339941 -2.339780 -2.358954 4.793717 01:11
14 -2.335042 -2.339912 -2.359108 4.799071 01:11
15 -2.337263 -2.339907 -2.359071 4.790753 01:10

E=64+16*5; model_name = 'fbm' + f'_E{E}'
if not os.path.exists("./models/"+model_name+'.tar'):
    save_model("./models/"+model_name, model, model_args, ds_args)
Saved at ./models/fbm_E144.tar

After training, we observe a good reconstruction loss around -2.36, while the \(D_{KL}\) is on the order of one for two neurons and the rest are three orders of magnitude below. We say that two neurons survive while the rest are noised out. We will see in the analysis tutorial how these two neurons encode the minimal relevant information to generate the trajectories.